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Things you should know before visiting Nigeria

Nigeria is safe beyond what is being reported. It is a large country with over 200 million people spread across 36 states and the Federal Capital Territory. Though there are challenges in a few states that has caused panic overtime. These are constantly being subdued and overcome everyday with relative peace coming to those troubled zones. Be sure your tour is NOT in anyway in that direction. Feel free to walk the street with necessary safety precautions taken. 

  • Weather. Nigeria could be hot and humid especially around the coastal cities. It is relatively warm all year round. Weather varies depending on the area you are visiting. The North is typically hot, the south typically humid. The harmattan is from the end of November till February. Be sure to have a hat and sunglasses for protection. 
  • Language. The official and major language is English. You would find it amusing when you hear people speak pidgin English which is a local variation. The pidgin English is unique as it is a combination of slangs, local dialect and English. Be sure to learn a phrase or two while you are in the country. Nigerians love it when you indicate you have an idea of what tickles their fancy. 
  • People. Nigerians are a mix of warm, friendly and happy people who often times makes the best of any and every situation they find themselves. Foreigners are often referred to as “Oyibo” You might notice a steer as you walk along the road or market, nothing to worry about, it is admiration. They love to engage with foreigners. In very busy areas, people may speak loud with lots of drama, it is part of their everyday life. 
  • Food. In most cities, you will find every kind of food. Make sure to try some Nigerian delicacies while you are in the country. You will likely be presented with spicy food. Always indicate the level of spice you want while your food is being prepared. There are lots of variations in the food though and just a few persons would pass for vegetarian. 
  • Cash. Mastercard and Visa work mostly in Nigeria. Be sure to alert your bank ahead in case you need to make POS purchases or withdrawal. However, its best to carry cash enough to meet your need. Foreign card transactions are almost impossible outside cities of Lagos and Abuja. 
  • Religion Nigeria is a secular country. However, majorly are Christian and Muslim. There are other religions too. 
  • Traffic.  Brace up for traffic if you are visiting Lagos. You are advised to set out much earlier for your activity in other to beat the traffic or cover more grounds. 
  • Vaccines and precautions: Be sure to have filled your details on the Nigeria Travel portal. You may he required to have a PCR test done 48hrs before you travel. Please ensure you check with the portal as this information is constantly updated.
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